
Within the VIRTCRIME project, the following results were achieved:


Hospes, J., Hötzendorfer, W., Tschohl, C., Kastelitz, M.: “Kryptowährungen im Finanzmarktrecht und grundrechtliche Grenzen von Verboten”, In: Schweighofer, E., Kummer, F., Saarenpää, A., Hötzendorfer, W. (Hrsg.): “Verantwortungsbewusste Digitalisierung”, Tagungsband des 23. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions 2020, Editions Weblaw, Bern, 2020, 569 – 576, LexisNexis Best Paper Award Top-10-Paper des IRIS 2020

Stütz, R., Gaži, P., Haslhofer, B., Illum, J.: “Stake shift in major cryptocurrencies: An empirical study”, Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2020

Mariem, S., Casas, P., Romiti, M., Donnet, B., Stütz, R., Haslhofer, B.: “All that glitters is not bitcoin – unveiling the centralized nature of the BTC (IP) network”, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 2020

Kalodner, H., Möser, M., Lee, K., Goldfeder, S., Plattner, M., Chator, A., Narayanan, A.,: “BlockSci: Design and applications of a blockchain analysis platform”, USENIX Security 2020

Hinteregger, A., Haslhofer, B.: “An Empirical Analysis of Monero Cross-Chain Traceability”, Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2019

Fröwis, M., Gottschalk, T., Haslhofer, B., Rückert, C., Pesch, P.: “Safeguarding the Evidential Value of Forensic Cryptocurrency Investigations”, Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 2019

Hötzdendorfer, W., Hospes, J., Tschohl, C., Kastelitz, M.: “Ermittlungsmassnahmen und KYC in anonymen Kryptowährungen”, IRIS Symposium 2019

Paquet-Clouston, M., Romiti, M., Haslhofer, B., Charvat, T.: “Spams meet cryptocurrencies: Sextortion in the bitcoin ecosystem”, ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies 2019

Romiti, M., Judmayer, A., Zamyatin, A., Haslhofer, B.: “A deep dive into bitcoin mining pools: An empirical analysis of mining shares”, 18th annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security 2019

Anderson, R., Barton, C., Böhme, R., et al.: “Measuring the Changing Cost of Cybercrime”, 18th annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security 2019

Paquet-Clouston, M., Haslhofer, B., Dupont, B.: “Ransomware payments in the bitcoin ecosystem”, Journal of Cybersecurity, 5 (1), 2019


GraphSense r.0.4.4

XYLEM Darknet Monitor

Evaluation of Usability and User Experience


Symposium on Post-Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies, October 2018, Vienna

Cryptocurrency-Forensic Training, November 2019, Innsbruck

From Crypto- to Corporate Currencies, October 2019, Vienna

4GAMECHANGERS Festival, April 2019, Vienna


Haslhofer, B.: “Cryptoasset Analytics - Insights from Analyzing Large-Scale Financial Transaction Graphs”, Blockchain & Wine Meetup, March 2020, Vienna, Austria

Haslhofer, B.: “Cryptoasset Forensics - State of the Art and Upcoming Challenges”, Cybercrime Expert Circle Meeting, January 2020, Vienna, Austria

Böhme, R.: “Collaborative Deanonymization”, Cambridge Security Seminar, May 2020, Cambridge, UK

Haslhofer, B., Hötzendorfer, W.: “Cryptocurrency Forensics and its relevance for tax compliance and enforcement”, Austrian Tax Compliance and Enforcement Conference, November 2019, Vienna, Austria

Haslhofer, B.: “Token systems, payment channels, and corporate currencies, Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA)”, November 2019, Vienna, Austria

Haslhofer, B.: “Roundtable: Digitization of Money and Finance: Challenges and Opportunities”, Workshop on Digital Currencies, Central Banks and the Blockchain: Policy Implications, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, October 2019, Vienna, Austria

Haslhofer, B.: “Can a blockchain solve the trust problem?”, Next Generation Internet (NGI) talks, OCG, March 2019, Vienna, Austria

Hötzendorfer, W., Hospes, J., Tschohl C., Kastelitz M.: “Cybercrime, regulation and privacy coins”, The 5th EU Anti Money Laundering Directive and its impact on Symposium on Post-Bitcoin Currencies, Talk, Cyberspace 18, 16th International Conference, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia

Tschohl C., Hötzendorfer W., Hospes J., Kastelitz M.: “Ermittlungsmaßnahmen und KYC in anonymen Kryptowährungen”, Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion IRIS2019, Salzburg, Austria

B. Haslhofer: “The Post-Bitcoin Universe…and what it means for future cybercrime investigations”, APWG.EU Symposium on Electronic Crime Research, September 2018, Krakow, Poland

B. Haslhofer: “The Post-Bitcoin Era. Emerging Technologies and Regulatory Challenges”, Informal ECOFIN Meeting, September 2018, Vienna, Austria

B. Haslhofer: “Measurements in Cryptocurrency Networks”, TMA Experts Summit, June 2018, Vienna, Austria

B. Haslhofer: “Bitcoin Where Art Thou? An Introduction to Cryptocurrency Analytics”, Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB), Research Seminar, January 2018, Vienna, Austria

B. Haslhofer: “Insight into Cryptocurrencies - Methods and Tools for Analyzing Blockchain-based Ecosystems”, Austrian Economic Chambers (WKO), February 2018, Vienna, Austria

B. Haslhofer: “Tutorial on Post-Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies, Off-Chain Transaction Channels, and Cryptocurrency Analytics Techniques”, Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA), May 2018, Vienna, Austria

R. Böhme: “A Decade of Cryptocurrency: From Utopia to Reality”, Keynote at 2nd Conference Crypto-Currencies in a Digital Economy (CCConf 2018), November, 2018, Berlin, Germany

Press releases

“The anatomy of a sextortion spam campaign”, MIT Technology Review, August 2019

“Facebooks Pläne für eine Währung der Konzerne”, Die Presse, October 2019